martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

AG Jeans The Fillmore 5-Year (3)


When it’s priced at $225, you should expect that your new jeans will last at least two years, and you hope they’ll survive five. The Fillmore denim should be no exception to this rule in spite of the fact that they’ve been aged to seem five years old from the get-go. The material itself is still brand new, and the illusion that they’re vintage is due solely to the way they’re washed. The cut and design of these jeans is not overly trendy, so they won’t appear outdated quickly. You may find, however, particularly with time as the creases and whiskering develop further, that these jeans will become harder to match with  other pieces in your closet. Nevertheless, if these are going to be on heavy rotation year-round in your wardrobe for at least two years and you have a thing for vintage-inspired designer denim, then $225 isn’t atrocious. If you’re seeking something more classic, you’ll definitely want to search elsewhere and will likely be rewarded with a lower price tag.

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